- May 28, 2021
Marshall-Gillibrand Resolution on COVID-19 Origins Passes Senate
(Washington, D.C., May 28, 2021) – Today, with the Endless Frontier Act stalling in the U.S. Senate, U.S. Senators Roger Marshall, M.D. and Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) were able to pass their Resolution calling for a transparent investigation into the COVID-19 outbreak mandated by the World Health Assembly as a stand-alone bill. The bipartisan Resolution also demands a full, transparent investigation to include the U.S. and our allies and partners around the world if China continues on its path of cover-up and obfuscation.
“It’s outrageous that a comprehensive investigation on the origins of COVID-19 has still not been carried out. With the World Health Assembly meeting this week we must get a full investigation into the outbreak,” said Senator Marshall. “If China continues on its path of cover-up, we must begin planning a full investigation, including with partners around the world. It would be utterly irresponsible to suffer through the worst pandemic in a century and not have the origins fully investigated. Our bipartisan resolution delivers the message that the Chinese must show us the data and be transparent with the world – and if they don’t, we will fight to get to the bottom of this outbreak.”
“There must be a thorough and transparent investigation into the origins of the Covid-19 pandemic—obstruction is completely unacceptable. Our resolution makes clear that the US believes that the previous WHO investigation was flawed, that there must be accountability, and all potential origins of this virus, including a lab leak, must be investigated fully,” said Senator Gillibrand.
The bipartisan Marshall-Gillibrand Resolution can be viewed HERE.
You may click HERE or on the image below to watch Senator Marshall speak on the Senate floor earlier this week about the resolution.
