VIDEO: Sen. Marshall Statement on End of Roe v. Wade

(Washington, D.C., June 24, 2022) – Following the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health, which reverses Roe v. Wade and returns the issue of abortion to state governments, U.S. Senator Roger Marshall, M.D. released a video statement addressing this historic decision. Senator Marshall said, in part,

“As an OBGYN, I had the honor of delivering more than 5,000 babies. Because of these wonderful moments and experiences, I believe life begins at conception. In fact, this is why today’s historic decision signals a new beginning for millions of unborn American children…Hopefully, today begins healing the wounds the pro-abortion agenda ripped open on American society almost 50 years ago… I want to remind everyone that putting an end to Roe vs Wade simply places this emotion-filled issue into the hands of the citizens of this country and their elected state officials, as opposed to unelected members of the federal judiciary… While the Democrat Majority Leader called for violence during a pro-abortion rally speech on the steps of the Supreme Court, we as a nation are better than this.  I urge all Americans to remain peaceful and respectful during the protests of this decision… Justice cannot and will not be served under the threat of mob violence so help us God.”

You may click HERE or on the image below to watch Senator Marshall’s full video statement.

Senator Marshall’s Full Statement as Prepared:

As an OBGYN, I had the honor of delivering more than 5,000 babies. Because of these wonderful moments and experiences, I believe life begins at conception. In fact, this is why today’s historic decision signals a new beginning for millions of unborn American children.

In many states, this monumental ruling will trigger protections for the well-being of moms and guard the sanctity of life for their sons and daughters. Hopefully, today begins healing the wounds the pro-abortion agenda ripped open on American society almost 50 years ago.

As we all know, radical, unethical judicial staff tried to stop this decision by leaking it to a complicit media. And don’t forget – don’t ever forget – the Democrat majority leader threatened Supreme Court justices with harm and called on his followers to inflict the whirlwind of pain if the justices dare touch his party’s hallowed anti-democratic, pro-abortion dictate.

Thank goodness for American democracy. The conspirators failed and Justice prevailed. Their disgraceful legacy will be the irreparable damage they caused to the legitimacy and reputation of our nation’s highest court.

I hope you will all join me as we applaud the courageous Justices who defied the far left’s mob-style intimidation tactics and the threats on their lives. Let us not forget to emphasize and thank their families, who continue to endure stress, and too many anxious days and nights. We are proud of these Justices who fulfilled their oath by boldly standing for the Constitution, and protecting the sanctity and blessings of life.

All this being said, I want to remind everyone that putting an end to Roe vs Wade simply places this emotion-filled issue into the hands of the citizens of this country and their elected state officials, as opposed to unelected members of the federal judiciary. Nothing more, nothing less.

While the Democrat Majority Leader called for violence during a pro-abortion rally speech on the steps of the Supreme Court, we as a nation are better than this.  I urge all Americans to remain peaceful and respectful during the protests of this decision.

Justice cannot and will not be served under the threat of mob violence so help us God.

