Senators Marshall Joins Legislation to Ban Federal Mask Mandates

Washington, D.C.  – U.S. Senator Roger Marshall, M.D. co-sponsored the Freedom to Breathe Act, led by Senator J.D. Vance. This legislation would prevent the reimposition of federal mask mandates for domestic air travel, public transit systems, and primary, secondary, and post-secondary schools.

“I am proud to support Senator Vance in his fight to prevent another federal top-down mask mandate from being forced on Americans. We’ve been through the cycle of mask mandates and government shutdowns, and we know they do not work. Let me make it perfectly clear where I stand: under no circumstances will our country ever bow down to unconstitutional mandates EVER again,” Senator Marshall said. 

“Multiple entities within our government, within the public health bureaucracy, there are local schools in the D.C. area now reimposing mask mandates, this is coming back unless we stop it from happening,” said Senator Vance. “That’s why I introduced this legislation, and I’m going to force the Democrats to vote on it. If they say the mask mandates are not coming back, then come to the Senate floor, vote with us, and say ‘no more mask mandates.’ Let’s make it bipartisan. 

The Freedom to Breathe Act is also co-sponsored by Senators Josh Hawley (R-MO), Eric Schmitt (R-MO), and Mike Braun (R-IN).

Read the legislation here.

