Senator Marshall: Biden Policies To Blame For Major Decline in 2024 Farm Income

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Roger Marshall, M.D. said that Biden is largely to blame for the most recent farm income forecast and underlines how important putting ‘Farm’ back in the Farm Bill really is. The statement comes after USDA forecasts a major decline in 2024 farm income

“To hear the mainstream media say that Joe Biden is better for farmers than the Trump Administration is unbelievable,” Senator Marshall said. “The Biden Administration has been riding President Trump’s coat tails of success the last few years and his bad policies are finally catching up to him. Under Joe Biden, Bidenflation has hit a 40 year high, skyrocketing interest rates are crippling our family farms, and the cost to do business here in America is unaffordable. He’s imposed relentless regulations, completely abandoned agricultural trade, and created some of the worst economic conditions farmers have seen in decades. This dismal forecast only further highlights the urgency of passing a Farm Bill that is meaningful to the full-time farm families, a bill that doesn’t put Democrat spending priorities in nutrition and climate change above hardworking American farmers and ranchers.”

Senator Marshall also recently penned an op-ed in The Hill further highlighting the ways Joe Biden has failed to deliver for rural America.
