Senator Marshall Statement on Joe Biden Canceling Another $6 Billion in Student Loan Debt on the Backs of Hard-Working Taxpayers

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Roger Marshall, M.D. released the following statement on Joe Biden canceling $6 billion in student loan debt for 78,000 public service workers. This brings Joe Biden’s total student debt cancellation to nearly $150 billion in his scheme which comes at a significant cost to American taxpayers, many of whom already paid back their student loans or never took out any loans. 

“Joe Biden thinks spending another $6 billion of your taxpayer dollars to pay off student loans is what the country needs right now. With a wide-open border and crippling national debt, Biden is continuing to light your money on fire in hopes that you’ll vote for him in November,” Senator Marshall said. “Enough of this student loan scheme. If you take out a loan, you need to pay it back, not take money from hard-working Americans. The 87% of hard-working Americans that didn’t take on debt shouldn’t be on the hook for someone else’s finances.”
