- June 5, 2024
Senator Marshall Secures Win To Increase Access to Mental Health Services in Kansas
Washington DC – Senator Marshall proudly announced that Kansas has been chosen as one of the 10 states to participate in the Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic (CCBHC) Medicaid Demonstration Program. This selection is a significant step towards enhancing mental health and substance use services across the state.
“We are incredibly proud and excited that Kansas was selected to be a part of the CCBHC Medicaid Demonstration Program,” Senator Marshall said. “For years, we have worked with mental health clinics across the state and have a deep understanding of how influential the CCBHCs are in providing robust care. Previously, patients in crisis were often first seen in emergency rooms or by law enforcement rather than receiving help from mental health professionals. CCHBCs demonstrate great promise in improving patient outcomes through specialized behavioral health care.”
CCBHCs have proven to reduce hospital emergency services by providing timely access to coordinated care, evidence-based practice, and crisis services that are available to patients 24/7. They have also provided aid to local law enforcement agencies.
“There is an increased recognition that behavioral health services are an important component of the health care service array, and very much appreciate the ongoing support of Senator Marshall,” said Kyle Kessler, Executive Director of the Association of Community Mental Health Centers of Kansas. “The CCBHC model ensures that Kansans have access not only to mental health services but also to integrated care that emphasizes recovery, wellness, trauma-informed care, and physical-behavioral health integration. Equally as important, the model provides a sustainable approach for providing the necessary resources to providers.”
“This announcement is a tremendous victory for the State of Kansas,” said Steven Denny of the program announcement. “CCBHCs are a critical component in our fight against the mental health and substance use crises and Kansas is already seeing the positive results of this model. They provide a holistic approach to care, integrating mental health, substance use treatment, and primary care services. This comprehensive model will significantly enhance our ability to support individuals and families across Kansas over a long period of time. This is particularly important for those in underserved and rural areas covered by Four County Mental Health Center. We are sincerely thankful for Senator Marshall’s role in reaching this important milestone.”
Senator Marshall has been actively involved in the development of CCBHCs by supporting the legislation that created and funded the new care model.
Senator Marshall led the Kansas delegation in securing expansion planning grants, making the state eligible for the CCBHC Medicaid Demonstration Program. He also assisted community mental health clinics across Kansas in their transition to CCBHCs.

In May 2023, Senator Marshall welcomed Mr. Steven Denny, Deputy Director of Four County Mental Health Center in Independence, Kansas, for a panel titled: A Crisis in Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Care: Closing Gaps in Access by Bringing Care and Prevention to Communities. During the hearing, Mr. Denny highlighted the significance of the mobile crisis services offered by the CCBHC.