Senator Marshall Releases Statement on Vote Against Continuing Resolution

Washington, D.C. – Tonight, U.S. Senator Roger Marshall released the following statement on his vote against the Continuing Resolution that keeps Democrats’ spending levels in place for 45 days.

“I was sent here to help find long-term solutions that prioritize Kansan’s safety and security and look out for generations to come. Washington, D.C. sees this as a short-term fix, but this is just another symptom of Congress’s budgeting failures,” Senator Marshall said. “This stop-gap spending bill does nothing to address our most immediate national security threat- our wide-open southern border and the fentanyl pouring across the country, killing a Kansan a day. Instead, it pays for Biden’s army of IRS agents and his politically weaponized DOJ.”

“As we sit at a historic $33 trillion debt crisis, it has never been more clear that America can not afford to continue these spending levels for one more day, better yet 45. CR’s are not an effective way to govern. I hope, for the sake of our grandchildren, Congress can wake up and provide a budget that restores fiscal responsibility, works towards balancing our budget, and addresses the national debt crisis,” Senator Marshall said. 
