Senator Marshall Releases Statement on Ukrainian President Zelenskyy Senate Meeting

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Roger Marshall, M.D. released the following statement announcing he will not be attending Ukrainian President Zelenskyy’s address to Senators today. 

“I will not support another cent going to Ukraine,” Senator Marshall said. “At a time when our nation is facing a historic debt crisis, a wide-open southern border with fentanyl, Chinese military-aged nationalists, known terrorists, and cartels pouring into our country, I can’t even understand how this body can justify sending another blank check to Zelenskyy.”

“The U.S. is hemorrhaging money we do not have to pay for this war while the EU and other leaders on the world stage are absent. Since the war began, American taxpayers have blindly been forced to give Ukraine over $113B, and we have no idea where that money has gone. There is no strategy, no exit plan, and no accountability from Zelenskyy. My priority is securing our American homeland, not sitting through another charade. For those reasons and a litany of others, I will not be attending today’s meeting.”
