Senator Marshall Releases Statement On Democrats Blocking Israel Standalone Aid Package

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Roger Marshall, M.D. released the following statement after calling for the immediate passage of standalone Israel funding on the Senate Floor. Today, Sen. Marshall attempted to pass by unanimous consent, Israel aid legislation that has already passed the House with bipartisan support. This standalone aid package keeps the spending levels for Israel that President Biden requested and expedites the aid so that it gets to Israel quickly. Senate Democrats blocked Sen. Marshall’s measure.

“Today marks one month since the brutal unprovoked attacks on Israel by Hamas terrorists. Sadly, we have failed to provide meaningful assistance to one of America’s strongest allies in their fight against Hamas’ army of terror. A terrorist organization that killed thousands of innocent people- including 36 Americans,” Senator Marshall said. “Today on the Senate Floor, Democrats turned a bipartisan opportunity to help our closest ally in the Middle East into political showmanship by using the tragedy unfolding in Israel to demand another blank check for Ukraine. If today’s debate proved anything, it’s that we must address spending for Israel, Ukraine, Taiwan, and border security separately. Let’s have these discussions one at a time, and let’s stop letting aid to Israel hang in the balance for unrelated issues.” 
