Senator Marshall Puts on Full Court Press to Ensure Kansas isn’t Cheated in COVID Bill

(Washington, D.C., March 5, 2021) – Today, U.S. Senator Roger Marshall, M.D. offered an amendment to the “COVID relief” legislation currently before the U.S. Senate that would change the funding formula to ensure that Kansas isn’t cheated of $400 million when it comes to receiving state and local relief. Unlike previous COVID packages, which were all bipartisan, the current legislation provides state and local funding for states based on unemployed population instead of actual population. Additionally, Senator Marshall joined forces with Senator Lindsay Graham on an amendment which is a slightly different approach but would also restore the funding for Kansas. You may click HERE to read Senator Marshall’s amendment. Furthermore, Governor Laura Kelly recently announced opposition to how the federal funds will be allocated. Senator Marshall recently spoke at a press conference on this issue. You may click HERE or on the image below to watch his remarks.

Text of Senator Marshall’s remarks as prepared:

I’m without question here to fight for those who truly need the help now. We want to make sure that those who are hurting get the help that they need but I’m also called to protect hard working Kansans from having to bail out blue states who over reacted and totally shut down their economies and their schools… But now the bad news: Radical Democrats still want to bail out mismanaged states at the expense of taxpayers with dollars distributed in an unfair matter. For instance, my home state of Kansas is shorted $400 million… This is not fair. This is not American.

