- November 14, 2023
Senator Marshall Provides Remarks on Senate Floor Demanding Immediate Israel Relief
Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Roger Marshall, M.D. spoke on the Senate Floor for a second time calling for unanimous consent in the Senate to pass the House passed, bipartisan, Israel standalone aid package.
Time is of the essence to send this support to Israel for them to defend themselves against Hamas’ Army of Terror. Sadly, for a second time in the past week, Senate Democrats blocked Senator Marshall’s request for aid to Israel. Today, Senator Marshall was joined in support of this aid package by Senators Vance and Schmitt.

You may click HERE or on the image above to watch Senator Marshall’s full remarks.
Highlights from Senator Marshall’s remarks include:
“Time is of the essence. And that’s why I rise today once again, in calling for the immediate passage of the house led and passed bipartisan standalone aid package for Israel, that will provide our ally with $14 billion in military assistance for their ongoing war with the savage Hamas terrorists. This standalone bill does not use Israel as a lever to fund Ukraine funding or to make our border more porous to terrorists and criminals.”
“I want to start by sharing two stories. The stories of two gentlemen I met last week. I am going to start with Doran. Doran’s brother was the mayor of a kibbutz located within a stone’s throw of Gaza.”
“The other story I want to share is of two brothers. Gal and Guy. Now Gal was the older brother and Guy was the younger brother. They went to the peace and love music festival just about three miles away from the Gaza Strip. And on the morning of October 7th, Gal was watching over his brother Guy and they heard gunshots and they heard rockets going off. And they both decided to run for their cars. They were split up. While Gal made it home, Guy never did.”
“Later that same day, his family saw horrifying videos of his brother laying on the ground handcuffed, and who remains a hostage to this day and of course we have no idea if Guy’s alive or not.”
“So why is time of the essence? Right now there’s still hundreds of innocent people like Gal’s brother Guy being held captive and most likely being tortured and raped by Hamas terrorists, including 10 Americans. So I stand here today again, calling on my Democratic colleagues to do the right thing and today yes today pass this aid for Israel, in their time of need. It’s been over five weeks since the Hamas’ Army of Terror launched a savage and brutal assault on our greatest ally in the Middle East.”
“There’s no terms that [Hamas] would seriously consider. All they understand are death, horror and destruction. Let’s make this point perfectly clear. Our hesitation to provide bipartisan funding to our staunch ally Israel empowers Hamas and gives Iran and its proxies a green light to kill Americans.”
“Some of the facts the American people disagree with, some of the conclusions the American people disagreed with. What I heard today was once again from my colleagues spending 80% of their time focusing on Ukraine funding.”
“But I didn’t hear one person say why we shouldn’t go ahead and fund Israel today, why we shouldn’t send a bill to the President’s desk today.”
“And what I remember about President Reagan and before him President Eisenhower is that they spread peace through strength, but this White House is giving us war through weakness. Mr. President, time is of the essence, we need to get Israel funding.”