Senator Marshall Offers Motion to Cut Spending Instead of Short Term Funding Measure 

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Roger Marshall, M.D. released the following statement after his effort to make spending cuts failed on the Senate Floor. 

Following Senator Marshall’s vote to reign in Washington’s wasteful spending, the Senate voted for a short-term stop-gap spending bill until March that Senator Marshall opposed. 

“I detest CRs and endless stop-gap funding maneuvers that fuel the flames of our national debt crisis,” Senator Marshall said. “However, the Democrat-controlled Senate and the razor-thin majority in the House leaves us little wiggle room to upend this broken budget process, which remains my ultimate long-term goal. Right now, I am looking at the cards we’ve been dealt and trying to find an avenue that provides CUTS in spending – an action rarely taken in Washington D.C.” 

“A short-term CR is a step towards another Sen. Schumer omnibus,” Senator Marshall continued. “My motion to extend the clean CR from March to September would result in roughly $100B less in spending than the deal currently being negotiated. I am disappointed our effort failed, and the status quo that has created the worst debt crisis our nation has ever seen prevailed, yet again.”
