Senator Marshall Joins National Report on Newsmax on His Vote Against the Supplemental Bill: This is a Ukraine Funding Bill

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Roger Marshall, M.D. joined National Report on Newsmax to discuss his opposition to Joe Biden’s border bill that provides more funding to Ukraine than it  does to secure our own borders. 

You may click HERE or on the image above to watch Senator Marshall’s full interview. 

Highlights from Senator Marshall’s interview include:

On Joe Biden blaming Republicans for his Border Crisis:

“Joe Biden is what caused this open border, your listeners understand that under Donald Trump, less than 1,000 people are crossing the border every day under Joe Biden, 10,000 is a normal day.”

“Look, this legislation doesn’t have the votes to get to the next step. So I think it’s done today. H.R. 2, something that the House supported, that I support as well, that would address asylum, parole, some of those things. That’s what we’re looking for.”

“Look, I’m voting no on this bill. This is a Ukraine funding bill. Just to single out one problem I have with it is the parole portion – under Barack Obama, he was paroling 5,000 people per year, 5,000. Joe Biden is paroling 700,000 people per year.”

“At the end of the day we have a lawless president, no matter what we write, if you have a White House that doesn’t believe in law and order, they’re going to abuse it. Joe Biden over and over has broken the law when it comes to this parole by pulling tens of thousands of people at a time.”

“This is what happens when the American public gives the Democrats the White House to control the Senate, and then a thin majority in the House. There’s only so much you can do.”

“I know America wants to blame somebody. But the real blame is who’s controlling the levers right now – right now the Democrats are controlling the agenda.”
