Senator Marshall: Everyone Deserves Equal Opportunity to Make Money on Wall Street

(Washington, D.C., February 1, 2021) – U.S. Senator Roger Marshall, M.D., recently was on FOX News to talk with Neil Cavuto about AMC Theatres and GameStop being shut out of retail trading apps like Robinhood. Senator Marshall said, “Everyone deserves equal opportunity to make money on Wall Street. Whether it is in small town USA or in a big city, whether you work on Main Street or Wall Street. We want an equal shot at this… We have to be careful here and not overreact, but let’s take a dive into this and see why did they pull the rug out from under us…” You may click here or on the image below to watch.

Senator Marshall previously weighed in on the issue, even calling for Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen to remain uninvolved in any investigations due to her ethics agreement:

@RogerMarshallMD: Kansas-based company @AMCTheatres has been shutout by popular trading apps like @RobinhoodApp and others. I’m not an attorney, but something isn’t right here. We need to look into this.

@RogerMarshallMD: Wall Street is trying to silence Main Street. After a year of financial uncertainty and turmoil for everyday Americans, @RobinhoodApp shutting regular folks out of the market because they “aren’t smart enough to invest” is insulting and wrong.

@RogerMarshallMD: It’s important Sec. Yellen-who made $800k in speaking fees from Citadel-remain entirely uninvolved from any investigation into @RobinhoodApp which generates nearly half its revenue from selling customer info to Citadel. She signed ethics agreement to do so

