Senator Marshall Demands Answers On White House Blocking Aid to Israel

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Roger Marshall, M.D., led a letter today to the President of the United States, Joe Biden, demanding answers torecent reports that the Biden Administration has blocked shipments of aid to Israel. In the letter, Senator Marshall also questioned whether the Biden Administration is unilaterally rerouting this aid approved for Israel to Ukraine. 

The lack of transparency on this issue from the Biden Administration, as American campuses nationwide have turned into terrorist sympathizers’ encampments, has Jewish communities and Americans wondering which side this President is on. 

You may click HERE to read Senator Marshall’s full letter.

Highlights from Senator Marshall’s letter include:

“If these reports are true, that would mean your administration blocked aid without any transparency or communication to Congress on why it’s being held at your direction,” Senator Marshall wrote. “The underlying reason for this action remains disturbingly unclear, and your lack of transparency on this issue as American campuses nationwide have turned into terrorist sympathizers’ encampments has our Jewish communities and Americans wondering which side you are on.” 

“You and your Administration have repeatedly abandoned Israel. Should you have unilaterally decided to divert aid to our greatest ally in the Middle East, Israel, then you should come forward and defend this decision. I believe the world should know exactly where you stand with Israel,” Senator Marshall wrote. “This recent diversion is just another example of your failure to support our allies and carry out your duties in fear of the repercussions from the pro-terrorist, pro-Hamas faction of your party.”

“Sources within your administration say this pause does not represent a change in policy toward Israel, but your silence and deceit speak volumes,” the letter said. “It is simply inexcusable that The White House, the Department of Defense, and the State Department have not publicly released a comment on why you took this unprecedented action to block aid to Israel at this pivotal time.”

In the letter, Senator Marshall also sent five questions for the Administration to answer regarding their decision to halt aid to our greatest ally in the Middle East. 

  1. What is your Administration’s official justification for blocking shipments of U.S.-made ammunition to Israel during the week of April 25 – May 5?
  2. Since October 7, 2023, how many aid shipments have you blocked, delayed, or rerouted from reaching Israel?
  3. Did your Administration reroute this ammunition shipment from Israel to Ukraine?
  4. Does your Administration have future intentions of blocking critical aid to Israel?