Senator Marshall Celebrates 50th March for Life Rally, Outlines Agenda to Protect Life

(Washington, D.C., January 25, 2023) – U.S. Senator Roger Marshall, M.D., an obstetrician who has delivered more than 5,000 babies, spoke on the Senate floor celebrating the annual March for Life rally that occurred on the National Mall last Friday. Tens of thousands of young Americans have gathered in Washington to show their support for the right to life every year since 1973 as part of the March for Life. Additionally, Senator Marshall detailed his planned legislative efforts in the Senate to protect the sanctity of life as part of his speech. While you may click HERE or on the image below to watch Senator Marshall’s full remarks, the Senator said in part,

“This year, we celebrate the 50th year that the March for Life has taken place, marking a significant, multi-generational milestone for this celebration of the sanctity of life. The fact that this event is now in its 50th year is a testament to the truth and justice of our mission… As an obstetrician, I had the honor and privilege to deliver over 5,000 babies and I want all those who marched in the March for Life last Friday to know that just like I fought for babies in the delivery room I am going to continue the fight beside you to protect the sanctity of life and to show our nation that Congress values these previous lives as well…At the federal level, we of course have much work to do on this issue. We must continue to ensure taxpayer dollars do not fund abortions, so millions of Americans are not forced to violate our beliefs. We must combat this administration’s efforts to remove conscious protections for medical professionals, doctors, nurses, ultrasound techs, and others, who object to participating in abortion…But I think it’s also important, that we as a party and Congress also work to further support legislation to provide resources to mothers and babies in need. This help would include more access to long term nutritional, educational, economic, and social support…Thank you to the tens of thousands of Americans who participated in the 50th March for Life…You being here, praying together, and marching side by side, arm to arm, strengthen my resolve, and you can count on me, to tirelessly fight to defend and secure the right to life for all human beings.”

Text of Senator Marshall’s PSA as prepared:

Last Friday, during the annual March for Life, it was once again encouraging to see tens of thousands of young Americans travel to the National Mall to show their support for the most important human rights issue of our time: the right to life.

This year, we celebrate the 50th year that the March for Life has taken place, marking a significant, multi-generational milestone for this celebration of the sanctity of life. The fact that this event is now in its 50th year is a testament to the truth and justice of our mission. I thank and congratulate everyone who kept this movement alive for the past five decades, and I especially want to thank all the brave pro-life Americans who made their voices heard as part of the March for Life.

For half a century now, Americans have brought their voices to Washington to halt the mass elective abortion of perhaps a million unborn American lives every year in our nation. Abortion is not a political issue but a human rights issue. And, this is not a political battle we fight, but rather the tip of the spear in a spiritual battle for the heart and soul of our nation.

This year’s momentous March for Life truly was a celebration as our nation’s Supreme Court has finally freed us of the undemocratic, pro-abortion decision forced on the American people in 1973. My prayer is that Our God will heal the emotional and physical wounds that were ripped open across America by that egregious ruling.

But as we celebrate this victory for life, all of us should pause and thank God for giving us a majority of Supreme Court Justices who had the courage to overturn Roe vs. Wade. This Supreme Court, by an overwhelming 6 to 3 ruling, defied the left’s mob-style intimidation tactics and, in too many extreme cases, they ignored even the vile threats on their lives as well as on their families’ safety and privacy. The court’s majority stuck to Constitutional principles and cast aside the pro-abortion status quo even in the face of threats by the current majority party, and its Leader, in the United States Senate. The way our Justices stood up to the temper tantrums of the left represents the best of America.

And let us commend our own Republican Senate Leader, and the Senators who fought for the lives of the unborn, who, when we had control of the White House and the Senate, had the courage, the fortitude, the willpower, and the know-how to Shepard three principled justices through the confirmation process and ascend to the highest court in the land.

This tremendous life-giving decision also would not have happened without Mississippi Attorney General Lynn Fitch and her team who championed their State’s pro-life law. They forever etched their place in history. The rights and lives of millions of American human beings are now protected as a result of the Dobbs decision.

As an obstetrician, I had the honor and privilege to deliver over 5,000 babies and I want all those who marched in the March for Life last Friday to know that just like I fought for babies in the delivery room I am going to continue the fight beside you to protect the sanctity of life and to show our nation that Congress values these precious lives as well.

At the federal level, we of course have much work to do on this issue. We must continue to ensure taxpayer dollars do not fund abortions, so millions of Americans are not forced to violate our beliefs. We must combat this administration’s efforts to remove conscious protections for medical professionals, doctors, nurses, ultrasound techs, and others, who object to participating in abortion.

And, perhaps most urgently, we must reimplement safety restrictions on the abortion pill. The mass distribution of this pill by mail and over-the-counter that this administration is pushing will lead to thousands of women using it incorrectly, causing medical emergencies and possibly deaths and fetal malformations. And if you don’t believe this can happen, I would encourage you to spend some time in our emergency rooms where I, and many other doctors treated numerous women suffering complications from the abortion pill. Most of these patients are completely unaware of the potential side effects, and many are misdiagnosed, or perhaps victims of just a horrible guess of the gestational age of the unborn baby. 

But I think it’s also important, that WE as a party and Congress also work to further support legislation to provide resources to mothers and babies in need. This help would include more access to long term nutritional, educational, economic, and social support. We must find more compassion and effective ways to better encourage pregnant women who are contemplating abortion to choose life instead, and to better open the doors to pregnancy crisis centers for assistance throughout and, very importantly, after their pregnancy. Despite violent attacks, acts of vandalism, and harmful misinformation directed at these centers, they continue to provide services to women all across this country.

I am also committed to dispelling the left’s malicious lies about ectopic pregnancies in the aftermath of the Dobbs decision. As someone who understands the science, and practiced obstetrics for over 25 years, and treated hundreds of ectopic pregnancies, I agree with the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, we always have, and always will support the treatment of woman suffering from the always life-threatening condition of an ectopic pregnancy. The radical activists, who wildly claim ectopic pregnancies will be left untreated because of this court decision, are simply misinformed and dangerously practice fear mongering tactics. For a physician to not treat ectopic pregnancies would be unethical and below the standard of care for every community in America.

Let me close by saying once again, thank you to the tens of thousands of Americans who participated in the 50th March for Life for courageously and tirelessly fighting for life. Each end every one of you are my encouragement. You give me the strength and hope to wake up every day, and join my fellow pro-life Senators and millions of pro-life Americans to fight to protect the sanctity of life. You being here, praying together, and marching side by side, arm to arm, strengthen my resolve, and you can count on me, to tirelessly fight to defend and secure the right to life for all human beings.

