- May 3, 2023
Senate Republicans Will Not Allow This White House To Run Up Another Credit Card
(Washington, D.C.) – U.S. Senator Roger Marshall, M.D. joined Senate Republicans to discuss the House Republican legislation that addresses the national debt crisis. In the press conference, Senator Marshall slammed Senate Democrats for refusing to negotiate with Republicans on the debt limit crisis.

Click HERE or on the image above to watch Senator Marshall’s full remarks.
Highlights from his remarks include:
“No one standing here today, nobody standing behind me, wants this country to default on its debt. But at the same time, just like any responsible parent, we will not give the White House another credit card and throw more diesel fuel on the inflation inferno that they have created with their reckless spending policies.”
“Across the country, hard-working Americans are struggling to buy groceries that are up in rural America by 20% since Joe Biden took office…High interest rates have made the American dream of owning a home unaffordable.”
“Speaker McCarthy and the House GOP have put together a responsible bill…that claws back reckless government spending, in hope we will slow inflation, [and] take care of the debt ceiling for a year.’
“Joe Biden can stay in his basement, continue to pass the buck, strapping our children and grandchildren into crippling debt. Or, we can take responsibility and solve it now.”