- July 14, 2022
Sen. Marshall Urges Biden to Turn to American Sources for Oil Dependence
(Washington, D.C., July 14, 2022) – This morning, U.S. Senator Roger Marshall, M.D. joined Maria Bartiromo on Fox Business to discuss President Biden’s failing energy policies, Democrats’ plan to spend trillions amid inflation hitting 9.1% and eliminating tariffs on critical fertilizer imports. While you may click HERE or on the image below to watch Senator Marshall’s full interview, on expensive energy costs, he said in part,
“I wish the President would take care of his own house first. Kansas would be the third leading state for capital investments in oil and gas in the next several years but my folks are afraid to invest. They’re afraid to invest because this President will not give them any certainty and he is piling on the regulations…Let’s turn to American sources for oil dependence.”
On Democrats’ proposing trillions more in federal spending, Senator Marshall said in part,
“They are addicted to spending and this bill is more inflationary spending. If you’re going to borrow another trillion dollars from my grandchildren, it is going to be inflationary. This is going to kill jobs. It is going to kill small businesses. They want to add a 3.8% tax to pass through entities like LLCs and S Corps. Those pass through entities make up over half of the nation’s companies and jobs.”
On his letter demanding that the Biden Administration relax import duties on fertilizer imports from Morocco and Trinidad and Tobago, Senator Marshall said in part,
“Nitrogen-based fertilizers have quadrupled in price since Joe Biden took office. Right now, we have tariffs on some foreign countries for fertilizers, including Morocco and Trinidad. So we have asked the President to, just like he took tariffs off solar panels because of an energy crisis, take the tariffs off these fertilizers. The price of fertilizers is driving up input costs and it ends up driving up the cost of groceries…we want the President to stop these tariffs.”
