Sen. Marshall: The unity Biden preached about is nowhere to be found

(Washington, D.C., April 28, 2021) – U.S. Senator Roger Marshall, M.D. delivered remarks on the Senate floor today prior to President Biden’s address to the joint session of Congress. You may click HERE or on the image below to watch Senator Marshall’s speech in its entirety.

Senator Marshall said in part, “That unity President Biden preached about is nowhere to be found. 100 days in office and there has been zero bipartisanship from the White House on any major issue. We’ve seen zero effort by the White House to take any Republican idea or concept seriously. In fact, they have done very little to reach across the aisle, engage Republicans, or have a serious conversation with us. They have shown they are not interested in bipartisanship as they continue to jam through their radical agenda and seek power grab after power grab… If he truly puts unity above all else, we can accomplish great things for the American people. For it is unity that will see this country come roaring back – not President Biden’s radical, partisan ways that have further divided this nation.”

