- October 8, 2021
Sen. Marshall: Statement on Pathetic Jobs Report
(Wichita, KS, October 8, 2021) – U.S. Senator Marshall, M.D. issued the following statement after the Department of Labor released a dismal September jobs report showing only 194,000 jobs added, falling dramatically short of DOL’s estimated 500,000. This is the second month in a row of sluggish job growth, lagging far behind the more than 940,000 jobs added in July. Additionally, according to the Wall Street Journal, today’s report indicates that, “U.S. job growth fell to the slowest pace of the year.” The U-6 unemployment rate, a broader measure that includes part-time and discouraged workers, sits at 8.5% for September. Currently, there are nearly 11 million job openings in the U.S. and only 194,000 Americans went back to work this past month.
“Today’s pathetic jobs report proves President Biden’s failed socialist driven spending policies continue to harm our economy. Not only are these policies driving up inflation, but they also created lucrative government dependency that made it more beneficial to stay unemployed rather than return to work. While the increased unemployment benefits ended in early September, President Biden delivered another blow to employers when he announced his unconstitutional vaccine mandate just days later,” said Senator Marshall. “People not returning to work is another reason why we have Biden-Flation, and make no mistake, the current economic downturn is another self-inflicted crisis caused by this Administration. We need to put a stop to the vaccine mandate and we need smart, targeted investments – not radical socialist spending that leaves the country at a disadvantage.”
Here is what they are saying:
Bloomberg: Payrolls Growth in U.S. Misses Big for a Second Straight Month
CNN: Another disappointment: US economy adds only 194,000 jobs in September
CNBC: September’s jobs report badly misses expectations with payrolls increasing by just 194,000
Wall Street Journal: U.S. Job Growth Falls to Slowest Pace of the Year
Market Watch: U.S. adds just 194,000 jobs in September as more people drop out of the labor force
ABC: Employers add a dismal 194,000 jobs in September, unemployment rate at 4.8%
Newsweek: Dismal Jobs Report Sees Payroll Increase Fall 300,000 Short of Estimates
FOX Business: Friday’s jobs report is more indication that the economy is falling into stagflation
Senator Marshall has been leading the fight in the U.S. Senate to halt President Biden’s vaccine mandate. Yesterday, he questioned DOL Assistant Secretary for Employment and Training nominee Jose Javier Rodriguez on how he plans to handle the upcoming spike in unemployment rates caused by President Biden’s vaccine mandate. Senator Marshall said in part,
“We had record unemployment through the COVID epidemic…Kansas like many states just did horrible trying to filter through the unemployment issues…On top of this now, the White House has issued a vaccine mandate…My phone again blowing up from small businesses, from big businesses. They are telling me maybe 30 to 50 percent of their line workers, the blue collar workers are not vaccinated. They don’t plan on getting vaccinated. This is a personal choice they have made. This vaccine mandate is a slap in the face of so many people that ran to the battle. The nurses, the doctors, the ambulance drivers, our police officers, they developed natural immunity because there was no vaccine. The natural immunity [is] well proven to be better than vaccines, but the CDC and this White House will not acknowledge natural immunity. So you can see that we are on the path to more record numbers of people becoming unemployed because of Joe Biden’s vaccine mandate…You have little if any experience dealing with unemployment… when we see unemployment rates spike again in the next couple months due to this vaccine mandate, what is your plan to help Kansas and other states be able to handle the problem.”
You may click HERE to watch the exchange.
Just last week, Senator Marshall spoke on the Senate floor about an amendment he offered to the government spending package – one of just three amendments accepted – to prohibit funding for implementing or enforcing the Biden Administration’s COVID vaccine mandate on private companies. All 50 Senate Republicans supported Senator Marshall’s amendment. You may click HERE to watch Senator Marshall’s remarks.
In opposition to Biden’s vaccine mandate on businesses, Senator Marshall joined his colleagues in demanding a Congressional Review of President Joe Biden’s vaccine mandate on private employees before it goes into effect and oppose this unlawful, unnecessary federal command
Senator Marshall joined his colleagues to introduce the Prevent Unconstitutional Vaccine Mandates for Interstate Commerce Act. As the Biden Administration is working to enforce vaccine mandates for businesses merely seeking to engage in interstate commerce, the legislation would protect the privacy of Americans’ personal health information and prohibit the Department of Transportation and other federal agencies from requiring proof of vaccination or the use of a vaccine passport for such activities
Senator Marshall introduced the COVID-19 Vaccine Dishonorable Discharge Prevention Act to prohibit the Department of Defense from giving servicemembers a dishonorable discharge for choosing not to receive a COVID-19 vaccine.
Administration Flip Flops on COVID Vaccine Mandates:
In December, 2020, President Biden said, “I don’t think it should be mandatory, I wouldn’t demand it to be mandatory”
In July, 2021, Press Secretary Jen Psaki said a vaccine mandate is “not the role of the federal government”
In August, 2021, President Biden’s chief medical adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci said, “There’s no secret that I feel that we should not have central [vaccine] mandates from the federal government.”
In July, 2021 Dr. Fauci said, “I don’t see it [vaccine mandate] on a national level merely because of all the situations you have upon encroaching upon a person’s freedom to make their own choice of their own health.”
