Sen. Marshall Slams Debt Ceiling ‘Deal’ For Reckless Spending and Ignoring Border Crisis 

(Washington, D.C.) – Today, U.S. Senator Marshall, M.D. released the following statement on his decision to vote no on the Fiscal Responsibility Act

“After careful consideration I cannot support Biden’s debt ‘deal.’ This legislation pours gasoline on the already burning inflation inferno and fails to adequately address our number one long-term national security threat, our nation’s crippling debt,”said Senator Marshall.

“Biden’s ‘deal’ misses the mark on almost every measure. It does nothing to address the cost of gas or groceries and completely ignores the crisis unfolding at our southern border. Simply put, this legislation does not address the problems Kansans are most concerned about. It actually makes them worse. At a minimum, we will still borrow $1.3 trillion from our grandchildren this year with minimal, if any, gains in rolling back regulations and even fewer gains in work requirements.”

“It’s time for us to stand up. This path of reckless spending is unsustainable.”

This debt ceiling ‘deal,’that will increase our national debt by $4 Trillion, includes ZERO dollars to secure our southern border. To address this blatant oversight, Senator Marshall introduced an amendment to the debt ceiling package that is modeled after the Secure the Border Act. To much disappointment, the amendment failed to pass with a 46-51 vote in the Senate this evening.

“In the current debt ‘deal,’ ZERO dollars go to securing our southern border. Think about that. A bill that increases our debt by TRILLIONS fails to address our wide-open borders that has allowed cartels, criminals, and lethal fentanyl to pour into our communities and poison our children.”

When thousands of unknown migrants escape into our country every week, we cannot waste time forming committees and praying about it. My amendment would build the wall, dismantle Biden’s catch and release policy, and restore law and order in our country making every American safer,” Senator Marshall said.


Senator Marshall’s proposed amendment restarts construction of the border wall, adds thousands of additional border patrol agents, adds advanced technology to detect entry of narcotics and illegal migrants, and reforms the U.S. asylum process to prohibit gang members, felons, and drunk drivers from taking advantage of the United States asylum system.
