Sen. Marshall: Meatless Monday Just Another Example of Government Trying to Tell People What’s Nutritious

Sen. Marshall Also Warns of Negative Health Effects of Replacing Dairy Products with Imitation Milk

(Washington, D.C., March 25, 2021) – U.S. Senator Roger Marshall, M.D. questioned the government top-down approach to child nutrition standards in school lunches and criticized the sodium targets for lunches during a Senate Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry Committee hearing focused on preparation for child nutrition reauthorization. Senator Marshall also criticized the war on nutrient dense foods like whole milks and meats. As a physician, Senator Marshall stressed the negative long-term effects of limiting these nutrient dense foods for children across America saying in part,

“I want to talk about Meatless Monday… another example of the government trying to tell people what’s nutritious. I would put meat, especially beef right beside whole milk, as safe and nutritious. The meat industry has spent decades researching… making sure this is a nutritious protein source… It just drives me crazy to be honest for folks to falsely attack the meat industry when really the evidence says it’s a very healthy food when served properly… We have a generation of children and young adults who have not drank milk. And that’s because we tried to provide them with some imitation milk, fatless milk that tastes like water with powder in it. As an obstetrician gynecologist, I’m very concerned with osteopenia and osteoporosis. In 20 years from now, those young adults never reach their peak bone density…”

To view Senator Marshall’s remarks on Meatless Monday you may click HERE or on the image below.

To view Senator Marshall’s remarks on the risks of limiting children’s dairy consumption you may click HERE or on the image below.

