Sen. Marshall Introduces Legislation Ending Biden’s Abortion Politics from Impacting Federal Leases/Buildings Decisions

Washington, D.C. – Today, Senator Roger Marshall, M.D. introduced legislation to stop the Biden Administration from cherry-picking federal leases or property buildings based on the ‘legality or availability’ of abortion services. This legislation comes in response to reports that the Biden Administration is considering moving the location for the U.S. Space Command headquarters from Huntsville, Alabama, in retaliation to Alabama’s strong pro-life laws, to a State that permits abortion on demand.

This legislation is co-sponsored by Senators Tommy Tuberville (R-AL), Rick Scott (R-FL), Cindy Hyde-Smith (R-MS), Ted Cruz (R-TX), Marsha Blackburn (R-TN), and Josh Hawley (R-MO). Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America, Students for Life Action and Americans United for Life endorse this legislation. 

“Joe Biden will do anything to further his radical abortion agenda,” Senator Marshall said. “My legislation ensures the Biden Administration does not exploit ongoing federal projects to further their abortion activism. The Space Force Headquarters should not be used as a political pawn in Biden’s sick abortion politics, and we will see to it that it is not.”

“Federal building and basing decisions should be based on merit, not a partisan political agenda,” Senator Tuberville said. “Punishing conservative Americans by keeping federal property out of their states would be an extreme and vindictive move, even for this extremist administration. But Alabamians know Joe Biden is considering doing just that with SPACECOM headquarters, which would set a dangerous precedent. Instead, we ought to keep politics out of these decisions and ensure that taxpayer dollars are being invested where they can be most effective. That’s exactly what this legislation would do and why I’m proud to support it.”

“I’m fighting every day to stop this administration from weaponizing the government to target states. We’ve seen it over the past few years; Joe Biden will stop at nothing to push his extreme political agenda and punish those who disagree, even if it means targeting parents at the school board meeting, pro-life moms or Catholics. I’m proud to support this legislation.” Senator Rick Scott said. 

“The best interests of taxpayers and government operations should not be held hostage to the Biden administration’s tunnel vision on a radical abortion agenda.  Directing government actions based on the availability of abortion on demand isn’t good policy or fiscally sound,” Senator Hyde-Smith said.  “Senator Marshall’s bill is timely and necessary, unfortunately.”

“As we approach the first anniversary of the historic Dobbs decision, the liberal assault on the sanctity of life remains in full force,”Senator Cruz said. “To determine the location of federal buildings and installations based on their proximity to readily available abortions is just a continuation of the pro-abortion agenda of Democrats. The location of federal buildings should not be politicized based on the radical left’s ideology. I am proud to stand with Sen. Marshall and my colleagues to protect life and ensure the federal government does not discriminate against red states like Texas and Kansas.”

“In a move in line with his leftist agenda, Joe Biden wants to be able to choose federal leases or property buildings based on the accessibility of abortion services in that area. By caving to abortion-on-demand activists, Biden is politicizing an issue that should be impartial. This legislation would prevent Biden from punishing states simply because they support life,” Senator Blackburn said. 

You may click HERE to read the full bill text. 

