Sen. Marshall Honored by Kansas Farm Bureau

(Washington, D.C., January 21, 2021) – Today, U.S. Senator Roger Marshall, M.D. received the ‘Friend of Farm Bureau Award’ from the Kansas Farm Bureau for his work in the House of Representatives during the 116th Congress on behalf of Kansas farmers, ranchers, and producers.

“I want to thank the Kansas Farm Bureau for their support and for honoring me with this award. With wins over the past few years on the China Phase One Deal, USMCA, KORUS, and the Japan-Free Trade Agreement combined with efforts to roll back the red tape that was hampering Kansas farmers, ranchers, and producers, we know that the sky is the limit,” said Senator Marshall. “While we accomplished a great deal for Kansas agriculture over the last two years, my hope is that we can build on those efforts in the 117th Congress and deliver even more wins.”

“We appreciate the support from then Rep. Marshall on important issues to Farm Bureau in the 116th Congress. The passage of USMCA will help Kansas producers export more of the agricultural commodities they grow and raise for years to come,” said Rich Felts, President of the Kansas Farm Bureau.


The Friend of the Farm Bureau Award is given to members of Congress who have supported Farm Bureau’s position on policy issues, as demonstrated by their voting records, and who were nominated by their respective state Farm Bureaus and approved by the American Farm Bureau Federation.

