Sen. Marshall: Give me a good teacher, a chalkboard, and an eraser over a Zoom call

(Washington, D.C., March 4, 2021) – Today, U.S. Senator Roger Marshall, M.D. railed against the COVID package before the Senate and how it does nothing to expedite getting kids back in the classroom saying in part, “This bill does little to expedite or encourage getting our kids safely back in the classroom. I remind everyone suicide in youth has doubled. Our youth’s mental health has never been worse. But today, the issue of getting our kids back in school feels like parents vs. the teachers union and it shouldn’t be. When we ask the teacher’s union and the Administration, ‘If we get the teachers vaccinated then would you go back to school?’ And there is still no commitment from the Administration that it is the right thing to do. We need leadership. And we need leadership to get our kids back in school… I’d give the shirt off my back to get our kids back in school. Any day of the week give me a good teacher, a chalkboard, and an eraser over a zoom call.”

You may click HERE or on the image below to watch Senator Marshall’s remarks at today’s press conference.


Congress has provided $67.5 billion to help schools respond to the COVID-19 pandemic and bring students back into classrooms safely. Most of it remains unspent.

Democrats have said their $1.9 trillion bill is “emergency” COVID-19 funding, but only 5% of the new money for K-12 schools would be spent by the end of this fiscal year.

Senator Marshall was recently on the Mike Huckabee Show and talked about this issue. You may click HERE or on the image below to watch the exchange.

