Sen. Marshall: Democrat’s Infrastructure Package Should be Called the Grab Your Wallet Bill or Raise Your Taxes Bill

(Washington, D.C., March 29, 2021) – U.S. Senator Roger Marshall, M.D. was recently on FOX News to talk with Neil Cavuto about the Democrats’ infrastructure legislation, saying in part, “The bill they are talking about is not an infrastructure bill. The Democrats should call this the ‘Grab your Wallet Bill’ or the ‘Raise your Taxes Bill.’ My Grandma told me there were three things you could count on the Democrats to do: spend your money, raise your taxes, and increase your regulations. The bill they are putting before us – a Trojan horse – is going to do all those things my grandma warned us about.” You may click HERE or on the image below to watch the first portion of Senator Marshall’s interview.

Senator Marshall also said, “I’d love to talk about an infrastructure plan but we have to figure out how to pay for it though – that’s what the Democrats always leave out… I’m very concerned about all their new rules and their new regulations. I’m very concerned when they raise the taxes they are going to kill the economy. Pre-COVID we had the greatest economy in my lifetime and I think that came about because we lowered people’s taxes, lowered regulations, and we lowered energy prices.” You may click HERE or on the image below to watch the second portion of Senator Marshall’s interview.

Senator Marshall concluded the interview with this, “This bill is not about infrastructure. It focuses on the Green New Deal and rules and regulations. So if we are spending more money to get a road or bridge through the permitting process than we do on the asphalt or the cement, it’s never going to work out. Shovel ready should really mean shovel ready as opposed to going through ten years of permitting… The potential is there. I’d much rather people be building roads and bridges than paying them unemployment checks… I think the money is probably better spent at the local level rather than raising people’s taxes to do this.” You may click HERE or on the image below to watch the final portion of Senator Marshall’s interview.

You may click HERE for Senator Marshall’s full FOX News interview with Neil Cavuto.


REP. ALEXANDRIA OCASIO-CORTEZ (D-NY): “One of the big goals we had when we introduced the Green New Deal was to show how people thought about climate change from being a billion dollar problem to a trillion-dollar opportunity…. This infrastructure package generally seems to be shaping up in that kind of framework.” (“Biden’s Big Plan,” The New York Times, 3/23/2021)

“The infrastructure component is expected to include $400 billion in spending to combat climate change, including $60 billion for infrastructure related to green transit and $46 billion for climate-related research and development. The plan also would aim to make electric-vehicle charging stations available across the country.” (“White House Prepares Massive Infrastructure Bill With Universal Pre-K, Free Community College, Climate Measures,” The Washington Post, 3/22/2021)

“The Biden administration’s next big legislative push is starting to take shape. It’s generally described as an infrastructure package, but that’s a bit of a misnomer. What the White House is planning covers not just building stuff like roads and bridges, but all of the structural economic changes on which President Joe Biden campaigned.” (“Breaking Down Biden’s Opening Gambit On Infrastructure,” Politico’s Playbook, 3/23/2021)

REP. JOHN YARMUTH (D-KY): “It’s gonna be a kitchen sink.” (“Drug Pricing, Climate, Immigration: House Dems Eye ‘Kitchen Sink’ For Next Big Bill,” Politico, 3/19/2021)

“Less than two weeks after President Joe Biden signed into law one of Congress’ most expansive measures in decades, House Democratic leaders are already dreaming bigger…. [T]op House Democrats are eyeing ways to muscle through drug pricing and climate policy goals using [the Senate’s reconciliation process]…. House Democrats are in discussions about including two of the caucus’ signature bills — one, a drug pricing bill known as H.R. 3, and another a sweeping green infrastructure bill known as H.R. 2 — as part of the next reconciliation package, according to people familiar with their plans.” (“Drug Pricing, Climate, Immigration: House Dems Eye ‘Kitchen Sink’ For Next Big Bill,” Politico, 3/19/2021)

