Kansas Senators Slam Biden for Supply Chain Crisis and Rising Costs Related to Thanksgiving

(Washington, D.C., November 18, 2021) – U.S. Senators Roger Marshall, M.D. and Jerry Moran appeared at a press conference to discuss the rising cost of Thanksgiving as well as the supply chain issues keeping typical holiday items off grocery store shelves. According to the Wall Street Journal:

  • Thanksgiving Turkeys are over 60% out of stock
  • Cranberry sauce is 20% out of stock
  • Sweet potatoes are 25% out of stock
  • Refrigerated pies are 26% out of stock

As for the inflation that’s hitting Thanksgiving items, according to Bureau of Labor Statistics:

  • Thanksgiving turkey is up 18% from last year
  • Potatoes are up 17% from last year
  • Green beans rose 39% from last year
  • Eggs, bacon and butter are almost 30% higher than last year

You may click HERE or on the image below to watch Senator Marshall’s and Moran’s remarks.

“Inflation is slamming the heartland with consumer prices up 7.3 percent in the Midwest. Unfortunately, it is here to stay as long as President Biden and the Democrats keep up with their reckless taxing, reckless borrowing, and reckless spending,” said Senator Marshall. “Inflation is hurting everyone this Thanksgiving, but none more than our seniors and young hard working families living paycheck to paycheck. I’m disappointed grocery stores will have short stock supplies and that the price of Thanksgiving dinner will be more expensive for Kansans. That said, I am thankful this Thanksgiving as we live in the greatest country in the world.”

“Soaring inflation and supply chain woes will make this Thanksgiving our most expensive in history,” said Senator Moran.“Kansans know that, they see it, and they are conveying it to their elected officials. I co-chair the Senate Hunger Caucus and the demand for services this Thanksgiving season at our food banks is increasing dramatically as more and more people can no longer afford that Thanksgiving meal. Inflation is hurting everyone, from those at the checkout counter to farmers and ranchers producing food for our Thanksgiving tables.”

