- October 9, 2023
ICYMI: Standing With Israel, Senator Marshall Joins Fox News
Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Roger Marshall, M.D. joined Fox News to discuss Congress’ support for Israel in their war against Hamas terrorists.

You may click HERE or on the image above to watch Senator Marshall’s full interview.
Highlights from the interview include:
On support to Israel and their declaration of war:
“Well, look, the super majority of people in Congress support Israel. For many of us it’s a personal, spiritual issue with us. But I think most every member of Congress realizes how important Israel is to our national security, that they’ve been a staunch ally to America for decades now, that they are the eyes and ears for America in one of the most troubled places in the world. So on a bipartisan basis, for a decade now, we’ve been giving Israel about $4 billion, $3.8 billion to be exact, to help them defend their nation. So you’ll see us circle the wagons here and support Israel. And most importantly, we believe that Israel has every right to defend their own nation, to defend their sovereignty.”
“Well, look, many of us were on our briefing this afternoon with some of our friends from Israel, a pro-Israel Association gave us good insight briefing from people on the ground, people that we have a personal relationship with.”
“We all know that the White House has turned their back on Israel, that they support Iran. Those are what the actions are, again, don’t listen to what Joe Biden says, watch what he does. He turned his back on Israel, he supports Iran as well over and over again, we see those actions happening….We’re gonna be there for Israel, whatever it takes.”
“Barack Obama himself said whatever Joe Biden is doing on the Foreign Relations front for national security, you should basically do the opposite.”
“Whatever [Joe Biden] does turns out to be wrong. We saw it with the debacle in Afghanistan. We’re seeing Ukraine crumble apart as well right now. And here we are. The reason that Hamas feels comfortable doing this is because they don’t respect Joe Biden. Nobody respects him. He’s a gutless wonder. Nobody respects him. And that’s why these terrorist groups are running free right now.”