ICYMI: Senator Marshall on The Sean Hannity Radio Show: People Don’t Feel Safe At Home Anymore

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Roger Marshall, M.D. joined The Sean Hannity Radio Show to discuss the worsening crisis at the southern border and Sen. Marshalls’ charge in calling for a vote of no confidence in Department of Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas.

You may click HERE or on the image above to watch Senator Marshall’s full interview.

Highlights from Senator Marshall’s interview include:

On the impeachment trial beginning in the House for Secretary Mayorkas: 

The Secretary has been derelict in his duties for three years now. And it’s time to do something about it. We’re happy that the house is moving off an impeachment trial. Over here, on the Senate side, you know, we cannot initiate an impeachment, but we can certainly do this vote of no confidence and get the Democrats on record and maybe put some wind beneath the wings and my friends over on the House side.”

“I think that it sounds like they’ve made some good progress, but it’s probably not far enough for someone like me who thinks that this is the number one issue that’s facing America. So, the number one thing that Kansans are concerned about right now is this border security issue. We’re losing a Kansan every day from fentanyl poisoning. People don’t feel safe at home anymore. The cartel has stations all over the state of Kansas now as well. So I think it’s a step in the right direction and we look forward to making it better.”

On Senate Leadership and the border being the number one priority:

“Certainly I think there’s a group of us that have been very vocal. I’ve been screaming about the border since before I got elected to the Senate. You know, addressing this fentanyl crisis as well.”

“I do hear Leader McConnell speaking louder and more often on the need for border security, that it is a priority. I think he’s made it very clear that there’ll be no funding for Ukraine unless we get border security. So I think it’s there. Is the volume as loud as you and I’d like to see it? It’s probably not, but I am for sure going to keep fighting.”

On Senator Marshall’s no confidence resolution for Secretary Mayorkas: 

“I know we’re going to introduce this resolution tomorrow and get the Democrats, put them on record that if they’re voting against this resolution, that makes them say that Mayorkas is indeed doing his job, so we’ll get them on record.”
