ICYMI: Senator Marshall Joins Newsmax To Discuss Hunter Biden Indictment, The Border Crisis, and Fentanyl Pouring In

New York City, NY – U.S. Senator Roger Marshall, M.D. joined American Agenda on Newsmax to discuss the latest criminal indictments against the Biden Crime Family, the fentanyl crisis, and Senate Republicans’ push to secure the border. 


You may click HERE or on the image above to watch Senator Marshall’s full interview.

Highlights from Senator Marshall’s interview include:

On the latest criminal indictments against the Biden Crime Family:

“Follow the money, follow the money from China to Ukraine, and then follow it to Hunter Biden shell companies. And then the smoking gun, a monthly payment from Hunter Biden to ‘The Big Guy,’ Joe Biden.”

“The president sure is lying to America. He’s the person that’s lying over and over all these emails, photos, everything showing him in cahoots with this Biden cartel.” 

“If his [Hunter] name wasn’t Biden, I think he would have been put in jail years ago…It’s time to put the pedal to the metal”

On Senate Republicans’ push to secure the southern border:

“Very proud of our leadership, proud of all the senators sticking together and saying, ‘hell no, we’re not going to vote on any funding for Ukraine until we have meaningful border security.”

“We have the leverage now to force the Democrats to do this. Again, Joe Biden wants funding for Ukraine. We’re saying let’s not even talk about Ukraine until we meaningfully secure the border.”

“You know, the big question is why do we have to beg the President of the United States to secure our own border?

“10 million people but crossed our border illegally since he took over 1.7 million ‘gotaways,’ 60,000 aliens of interest, and the story goes on and on and on.”

On Fentanyl Crisis: 

“We know at least 90% of fentanyl comes across our southern border. We need a president who’s going to stand up and check to China and say, ‘stop it. Stop making the precursors.’ Then we need a president that’s going to stand up to the Mexican government and say, ‘stop it.’ Then enrich our border patrol officers, whatever else we need to do. We need to build a wall so we can funnel all these people into the right places to come through.” 

“1.7 million ‘gotaways’ under Joe Biden, and of course, that’s where the criminals are, the people that are human trafficking, drug trafficking, it’s all tied to this open border, Joe Biden’s lawless society that he’s ruling. 

“We had President Xi in San Francisco recently. Why wasn’t that [fentanyl] the topic? We’re losing 300 Americans every day. So Joe Biden’s willing to take this loss of 300 young adults, young Americans every day, in exchange for 10,000 people crossing the border. Evidently, he wants this problem.” 

“Joe Biden could solve this problem by simply changing his own policy. He would turn around at least 75% of the people that are crossing the border every day just by changing his policy.”
