- October 10, 2023
ICYMI: Senator Marshall Joins Fox Business: “Joe Biden is the Most Pro-Iran President in the History of our Nation”
Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Roger Marshall, M.D. joined Fox Business to discuss his support for Israel in their war against Hamas terrorists, and Joe Biden’s failed leadership that has empowered our adversaries like Iran.

You may click HERE or on the image above to watch Senator Marshall’s full interview.
Highlights from the interview include:
On President Biden’s lack of leadership that has empowered Iran:
“Larry, I think the House and Senate will do what they need to do. But as you and I both know, it’ll be months, if not a year, before those weapons actually get there. The White House has everything that they need to handle the situation. And this is exactly the problem, Joe Biden says he has Israel’s back, but he’s the most pro-Iran President in the history of our nation. That’s what his actions show us.”
“You reported this $6 billion he recently released for hostages, just three months before that there was another $10 billion he released to give to Iraq to give to Iran as well. It goes on and on. He turns his head to sanctions, he releases the sanctions. Recently, he wanted to take the Iranian Revolutionary Guard – he wanted to take them off the terrorist list. This is the group who planned this war.”
On Americans killed and being held hostage:
“The President needs to step up and let our enemies know that, as my dad would say, there’s going to be hell to pay for this. All those other terrorist organizations need to know that if they get involved with this, they’re going to have the full wrath of the United States upon them as well, that we’re not going to be backing down. Instead, we have the President yesterday – what did he do? He shut things down about noon or one o’clock and had a barbecue.”
“Today, we know for sure there’s been 11 Americans that died over there, 1,000 Israelis, and our President shuts things down at noon as well. That’s what I’m talking about, his actions, his actions prove that he doesn’t care about this. He doesn’t have leadership skills.”
“This would have never have happened if it hadn’t been for Afghanistan, and how he continues to shed his duties by being reactive rather than proactive. Again, this is the most pro-Iranian President America has ever seen.”