ICYMI: Sen. Marshall Speaks on Senate Floor Ahead of Passage of his COVID-19 Emergency Declaration Termination

(Washington, D.C., March 29, 2023) – This evening, a resolution championed by U.S. Senator Roger Marshall, M.D. to terminate the COVID-19 National Emergency Declaration passed the Senate for the third time. The measure now heads to President Joe Biden’s desk for his signature.

Senator Marshall’s resolution to end the COVID-19 National State of Emergency previously passed the U.S. Senate twice. Once by a vote of 48-47 on March 3, 2022, and once by a vote of 62-36 on November 15, 2022. Senator Marshall addressed the Senate Floor today ahead of the vote and called on this Administration to immediately terminate their authoritarian emergency declaration. 

You may click HERE or on the image below to watch his full remarks. 

Highlights from his remarks include:

“Emergency powers are given to the Executive branch, so the Commander in Chief has the flexibility to quickly act in the event of a crisis. That declaration was appropriate in 2020, but it’s time for the proper constitutional checks and balances to be restored; it’s time to end any and all authoritarian control and unilateral spending decisions without Congressional consent.” 

“With the national emergency in place, the Administration also moved to mandate vaccines for private companies with 100 or more employees. If not halted by the courts, this massive federal overreach would have forced millions of Americans to choose between the jab or their job. Next, the White House tried to force healthcare workers, federal employees and contractors, and even members of our military to receive the vaccine against their choice. Thankfully, these were also halted by courts across the country.”

“I come to the Floor today, hopefully for one last vote on terminating this declaration. ‘Is the emergency indeed over?’ Well, our President himself said as much in a September 2022 interview on CBS 60 minutes, and I quote the President’s direct words, ‘the pandemic is over.’ Enough is enough – we must end this power grab that undermines America’s constitutional rightsimmediately.”

