ICYMI: Sen. Marshall on ‘Deal’ Struck On Debt Ceiling: “I’m Not Satisfied”

(Washington, D.C.) – U.S. Senator Roger Marshall, M.D. appeared on Mornings with Maria on Fox Business this morning to discuss the debt ceiling ‘deal’ between Speaker McCarthy and President Biden. Senator Marshall also recapped the fentanyl roundtable he hosted yesterday in Wyandotte County, and shared his thoughts on House Republicans move to hold FBI Director Christopher Wray in contempt of Congress.

You may click HERE or on the image above to watch Senator Marshall’s full interview. 

On whether Republicans were able to get what we hoped for in the debt ceiling ‘deal.’ 

“At the end of the day, I’m disappointed in President Biden. He continues to govern like he’s the president of the woke Green Socialist Party, not like he’s a moderate that he campaigned to be.”

“We’re going to be $1.3 trillion more in debt this year…next year we’re going to be $1.7 trillion more in debt, I don’t think we can stop and celebrate that- we’ve got a lot of work to do.” 

“I’m not at all satisfied that we are where we need to be. We can’t just keep kicking this can down the road for future generations.”

The Debt ‘deal’ has no rule to cap spending: 

“Don’t forget that a month from now or tomorrow Joe Biden [could] say he wants $50 billion more for Ukraine. So they all have tricks. We’ve seen what this President can do when it comes to manipulating rules, like EPA rules and Waters of the US rules and surprise billing rules. 

“The White House can control part of how this bill is interpreted? But you know, he’s gonna come back and ask for more money, he’s gonna come back and ask for more hurricane relief money someday soon as well. This is not the end of this spending for this Congress.”

“I’m so afraid that this White House is gonna interpret this law different than you and I would, different than common sense folks back in Kansas will, that they’ll again come back and manipulate it. There’s always extensions, there’s exceptions in this. They have a lot of wiggle room, so I’m very concerned what this White House is going to do with the regulatory part of this.”

On Congress holding the FBI accountable: 

“Well, certainly on the Senate side, we’re not going to be able to. I’m gonna go back to an earlier point the American people the people of Pennsylvania, the people of Georgia, Arizona, and Nevada, they gave us the Democrat controlled Senate. They control the agenda. They control the oversight.”

“At the end of the day, Americans know there was corruption at the highest levels of government in the FBI, the DOJ collaborating with the White House with Joe Biden and Barack Obama and Americans need to hold them accountable at the election booth. That’s where this needs to change. America has an opportunity to change all this.”

“I do think that Chairman Comer can hold Wray in contempt of Congress. I know that the DOJ won’t do a thing with that, so they’ll have to go to the next step and have a vote on the House floor and hold him in contempt.”

On the fentanyl crisis and Senator Marshall’s fentanyl roundtable in Kansas City: 

“To your point that you just mentioned, 4,000 ‘gotaways’ in the past 96 hours. They [U.S. Customs and Border Patrol] seized 14 pounds of fentanyl already, but the ‘gotaways’ would have had more than that. That’s enough to kill over 3 million people. That’s the entire population of the state of Kansas.” 

“There’s so much more we could do. The folks at the fentanyl roundtable yesterday, this is our third one. Look, every community, every county, every state, is now a border state. We’re all being impacted.” 

“Three hundred young Americans dying every day from fentanyl poisoning. This is the number one killer of young Americans.” 

“One pill can kill, actually one half of one pill can kill and by the way, fentanyl is easier to get than ordering pizza. You can have fentanyl delivered to your school. The cartel now has drug sellers, pushers, in those schools as well.” 

“That’s the challenge before us. It’s so easy to get. We’re doing what we can to push back. Eventually it comes down to will Joe Biden control the border? Will he push those people back into Mexico? Will President Biden hold China accountable? Remember 90% of these precursors are made in China and then they come over to the cartel in Mexico.”

“The cartel has a presence in Kansas now. It’s scary times.”
