ICYMI: Sen. Marshall on Border Crisis and Debt Ceiling: “We’re Seeing a Vacuum of Leadership from Joe Biden” 

New York – U.S. Senator Roger Marshall, M.D. appeared on Wake Up America on Newsmax this morning to discuss his recent trip to Camp Monument in Brownsville, TX, the ongoing border crisis, and the latest updates on the debt ceiling negotiations.

You may click HERE or on the image above to watch Senator Marshall’s full interview.

Highlights from the interview include:

On his recent trip to southern border, and the border crisis: 

“Now, if I could just paint the picture for you. This is my fourth trip there. It gets worse every time…last week, 10,000 people crossing the border every day illegally, being apprehended, but another 3,000 got aways. In those got aways, that’s where your criminals are, your terrorists, the drug trafficking as well. It is completely out of control, a humanitarian crisis.”

On the debt ceiling negotiations:

“We need to balance our national security issues with our economic issues. We’re seeing this is how Joe Biden fails. If he’s not in his basement running his campaign, he fails when it really takes true leadership…what we’re seeing right now out of Joe Biden is a vacuum of leadership. This could have been solved months ago, but instead he waits until another crisis is present.”

“If we default on our debt, Joe Biden owns this.”

“I’m not an economist, but I just don’t see how we can run this business of the government if we’re spending a trillion dollars a year on interest, there’ll be no money left for a strong military.”

“I think June 1 is an imaginary date to start with. We’ll pay the debt that needs to be paid. Maybe we won’t pay members at the White House, maybe we won’t pay senators, but we’re going to pay our debt.”

“We’re not going to blink. Joe Biden has to come to the table and give us some type of work towards a balanced budget and take care of the national debt limit.”

On Kevin McCarthy’s performance as Speaker of the House:

“A++. I think he has the toughest job in the world right now. Trying to manage with such a thin majority. People have no idea how hard it is to keep both factions within the Republican Party together. Folks back home ask me, ‘why don’t you Republicans stick together? ‘We’re sticking together on this one. 

On the John Durham’s report exposing the Russia collusion hoax in the 2016 election:

“We get them on the run, we’re over the target. Look, the truth eventually comes out. People understand that there was corruption at the very highest levels between the FBI, the DOJ, and the White House was involved from day one as well.” 

“A doctor once told me if you lose your reputation, you never get it back. The FBI has lost their reputation. We have the Democrats on the run. Let’s finish the job.”
