ICYMI: Sen. Marshall Joins WMAL on CDC’s Transgender “Chestfeeding” guidance

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Roger Marshall, M.D. joined WMAL’sO’Connor & Company to discuss the CDC’s new guidance for transgender men looking to “chestfeed” newborns. The CDC guidance fails to acknowledge safety risks for the infants and the amount of hormones and chemicals that can be extremely dangerous when passed along to newborns. 

You may click HERE or on the image above to listen to Senator Marshall’s full remarks. 

Highlights from Senator Marshall’s remarks include: 

On the dangers of CDC’s guidance on “chestfeeding”:

“When will the woke Left wake up and realize what they’ve done to America here?”

“I’m an obstetrician, I delivered a baby every day in my life – most every day – for some 25-30 years if you include residency. And breastfeeding was a very important part of that, delivering obstetrical care. It is the healthiest nutrition there is for a baby. And to see this be bastardized by the CDC and actually putting babies at risk…. I’m almost speechless, to describe how upsetting this is.”

“The CDC is recommending a drug that’s been taken off the market by the FDA, Domperidone is what it’s called, it was taken off the market in 2004, because it caused life threatening heart arrhythmias.”

“Look, if any one of my moms would have come to me and said, doctor, is it okay if I take this medicine and breastfeed? I would have said, well, of course not. This medicine is going to do who knows what for what goes through the breast milk, it can cause arrhythmias for this baby.”

“And then from just a calorie count, there’s no way that that baby’s going to get adequate nutrition and you’re probably filling them full of empty calories… I’m just beside myself, why would you subject newborn babies to the threats of the side effects of these medicines, let alone inadequate nutrition? Why are we putting our woke agenda ahead of science? I don’t know.”
