- October 27, 2023
ICYMI: Marshall Slams the Biden Administrations For Using School Lunch Funding To Push It’s Radical Transgender Agenda
Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Roger Marshall, M.D. delivered a floor speech on his School Lunch Congressional Resolution Act (CRA) of disapproval that would prevent the USDA from retaliating against schools that do not comply with the Biden Administration’s transgender agenda in schools. Senator Marshall originally introduced this CRA in July after 22 schools began suing the USDA for weaponizing their lunch funding against those who don’t adhere to the transgender agenda.

You may click HERE or on the image above to watch Senator Marshall’s floor speech.
Highlights from Senator Marshall’s remarks include:
“It’s always a great honor to come to this hallowed floor to fight for our youth, our nation’s greatest treasure. I would ask the White House to leave our kids alone. They’re the ones that have picked this fight. It’s the White House that won’t leave our kids alone.”
“I rise in support of S.J. Resolution 42, which was to strike down a policy memorandum regarding the federal school lunch program that the USDA issued and has since been weaponized against our youth. That’s right, this administration is using school lunches to attack our youth to implement their transgender policies.”
“Let me begin by stating as a physician, as an OB/GYN, I’ve devoted my entire life to the health and well being of moms and children, from a mother’s first visit to our office to the baby’s birth and during the childhood nutrition is a key to the healthy development and growth of every infant toddler and school-aged child.”
“Let me be clear, the only player in this policy fight that wants to and has actually suspended access to the school lunch program, is the Biden Administration. After three years, I thought I’d seen it all when it came to what this current administration is willing to do in order to force its radical transgender agenda on the American people. Unfortunately, we have underestimated how committed they are to forcing this harmful ideology on all of us.”
“We must protect these children’s food security, their privacy and their safety at all costs. The USDA has no authority to force this on our children or the schools they attend. To adhere to woke mandates such as requiring boys to be given access to girls’ bathrooms and locker rooms are allowing boys to compete against girls and girls’ sports.”
“Stop weaponizing the federal government. And let me say it again, the only player in this policy fight aiming to take away access to the school lunch program is the Biden Administration.”