ICYMI: Fox News Exclusive on Senator Marshall’s Letter to DHS Sec. Mayorkas’ Demanding Answers on Personal Email Use

Washington, D.C. – Fox News released an exclusive article highlighting the letter that U.S. Senator Roger Marshall, M.D. wrote to Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Secretary Mayorkas demanding answers on the use of personal email for official business. In April, Senator Marshall asked Mayorkas during a Senate Homeland Security committee hearing about his use of his personal email – to which, under oath, he denied the allegation. Since testifying, it’s been revealed through an investigation by the Americans for Prosperity Foundation that hundreds of pages of emails and correspondence was done on Sec. Mayorkas’ personal email and cell phone. 

You may click HERE or on the image above to read the full exclusive article. 

Highlights from the article include:

“Republican lawmakers, led by Sen. Roger Marshall, R-Kansas, on Thursday wrote to DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas quizzing him about the extent to which he may have used a personal email address for personal business — after a fiery exchange earlier this year, in which the DHS chief called the claims “false.”

“They are seeking information about failures to comply with DHS rules on records, any additional communications and steps taken to create a “culture of careful communications and strict compliance with all federal laws.”

“However, there were significant redactions to the release, with dozens of full pages redacted before the release — something the lawmakers call “alarming.”

“”As you are no doubt aware, DHS policy on the use of non-DHS email directs that ‘employees may not use non-DHS e-mail accounts to create or send e-mail records that constitute DHS records’ unless there is an ‘emergency,’ the letter says.”

“The Republicans argue that the volume of communications raises “serious concerns about whether all official messages sent to or from these devices were properly forwarded back to your official DHS accounts.” 

“The letter is the latest indicator of Republican pressure on the DHS chief, who Republicans have grilled repeatedly — particularly on his handling of the ongoing crisis at the southern border.”
