Ag Talk with Doc Episode 8: Sen. Marshall and Dr. Art Laffer Discuss the Farm Economy, Ag Trade, Inflation, and More

Dr. Laffer: Joe Biden is a super hyperactive Jimmy Carter, and it’s sad.

(Washington, D.C., October 21, 2022) – U.S. Senator Roger Marshall, M.D. today released the eighth episode of his monthly video series titled: Ag Talk with Doc, in which he sits down with various leaders in agriculture for discussions on the latest news affecting America’s farmers, ranchers, and producers. For the eighth episode, the Senator sits down with Dr. Arthur Laffer – member of President Ronald Reagan’s Economic Policy Advisory Board and prominent economist – to discuss the state of the farm economy, importance of agriculture trade, inflation, taxes, and more. You may click HERE or on the image below to watch the episode eight of Ag Talk with Doc.

On Inflation, Dr. Laffer said: “…Joe Biden is a super super hyperactive Jimmy Carter, and it’s sad… I don’t see anything in this Administration’s policies that address inflation correctly…”

On the death tax, Dr. Laffer said: “…There is no tax on earth that I find and that my colleagues find more onerous, more immoral, more detrimental than the death tax…”

On trade, Dr. Laffer said: “…I would suggest very strongly that we have free trade; we lower tariffs, non tariff barriers; we have as much free trade as we can…”

On ESG regulations, Dr. Laffer said: “…I think it’s a silly regulation that should be solved by free markets…”

Previous Ag Talk with Doc Episodes:

Episode 1: Sen. Marshall & Former U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue

Episode 2: Sen. Marshall & Former U.S. Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke

Episode 3: Sen. Marshall & Ambassador Gregg Doud, Former USTR Chief Ag Negotiator

Episode 4: Sen. Marshall, Growth Energy’s Emily Skor & ClearFlame Engine Technologies

Episode 5: Sen. Marshall and American Farm Bureau Federation President Zippy Duvall

Episode 6: Sen. Marshall and CBP Ag specialists Talk Inspections at Southern Border

Episode 7:Sen. Marshall and Texas Farmers and Ranchers Dealing with Border Crisis

