Senator Marshall Releases Statement on President Biden’s Asylum Order

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Roger Marshall, M.D. released the following statement on President Biden’s border executive order:

“Today’s announcement by President Joe Biden is an admission of guilt. The fact is, Joe Biden created the worst border crisis in CBP history. Now, five months before the presidential election, he expects the American people to believe he has a plan to fix the crisis he has spent three years assembling,” Senator Marshall said. “This is a lie, it’s insulting, and it’s wrong to play fast and loose with America’s national security.”

“The executive order is filled with loopholes and exceptions. It will not stop up to 30,000 migrants from flying directly into the U.S. and being released under Biden’s mass parole program each month,” Senator Marshall stated. “This action does not address the millions of unvetted ‘gotaways’ entering our country, and the asylum ‘ban’ is filled with exemptions including unaccompanied minors, playing right into the cartels’ hands and child trafficking operations at the border.”

“The only ones celebrating Joe Biden’s announcement are the cartels that now run our border operations,” Senator Marshall continued.“When you pull back the curtain, it’s clear that this executive order is not about securing the border, it’s about political cover.”


  • Joe Biden issued 94 executive orders to open the southern border within his first 100 days in office, creating the worst crisis in CBP history. 
  • Former Obama DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson once stated that 1,000 apprehensions a day ‘overwhelms the system.’ However, this order only permits CBP personnel to implement asylum restrictions once apprehensions exceed 2,500 per day, over the period of a week.
  • The Biden border crisis is costing the United States approximately $150.7 billion each year. 
  • Under Biden, over 350 of these individuals whose names appear on the terrorist watchlist have been encountered at the Southern Border.
  • So far in FY24, there have been a record-breaking 27,583 Communist Chinese nationals have been encountered at the Southwest border.