ICYMI: Senator Marshall Joins National Report on Newsmax: Biden needs to undo what he’s done

Washington, D.C. –
U.S. Senator Roger Marshall, M.D. joined National Report on Newsmax to discuss President Biden’s failures at the border resulting in violent crimes nationwide, and the Alabama Supreme Court ruling on IVF. 

You may click HERE or on the image above to watch Senator Marshall’s full interview. 

Highlights from Senator Marshall’s interview include:

On Biden’s failures at the border:

“This is very easy to depict. That the President could have fixed this yesterday, he needs to undo what he’s done. He did 90 executive orders to reverse President Trump’s policy, something as simple as changing the asylum rules, changing these parole rules would have a huge impact.”

“The leverage we have right now against Joe Biden and Chuck Schumer, on this government shutdown is that we want to secure the border.”

On Venezuela migrant killing a Georgia student:

“Yeah, well, I think we should all pause and mourn with this family and grieve with them as well. A beautiful nursing student, something near and dear to my heart as a physician, my wife’s a nurse, just a tragic loss and this didn’t have to happen.”

“This assailant is one of 200,000 Venezuelans that Joe Biden has paroled, illegally paroled them across our border, a very violent group of folks – they’re not sending us their best. They’re sending us their violent criminals. Again, this is one out of 200,000 Venezuelans that Joe Biden has illegally paroled. And this is why I just caution everybody. This is why the safety and security of families is the number one issue across America, even in a state like Georgia, a state like Kansas, in the heart of the Midwest, that we are fearful for our lives.”

“We live in a lawless country now, thanks to Joe Biden, we have open borders, we have defunded and disrespected the police. There’s a cashless bail, there’s smash and grab, all these things are part of this lawless society that Joe Biden has perpetuated.”

On the IVF ruling in Alabama:

“Look, today in America 200 beautiful babies are going to be born because of in vitro fertilization. As an obstetrician, I took care of hundreds of patients with infertility issues, I participated in these ovulation cycles for in vitro fertilization.”

“The Republican Party is the pro family party, we’re fighting for families, Republicans should embrace in vitro fertilization. Thank God for the technology that He’s given us to be able to help these infertile couples. So at the end of the day, the state legislatures will figure this out, this will be a short chapter, they’re going to fix this problem in Alabama.”
