ICYMI: Senator Marshall Joins KQAM: The Voice of Reason to Discuss Sec. Mayorkas’ Impeachment, and the Worsening Southern Border Crisis

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Roger Marshall, M.D. joined The Voice of Reason on KQAM with host Andy Hooser to discuss Senator Marshall’s call for a vote of No Confidence in Department of Homeland Security Secretary (DHS) Alejandro Mayorkas, the looming stop-gap spending bill, and Congress’ broken budget process.

You may click HERE or on the image above to listen to Senator Marshall’s full interview.

Highlights from Senator Marshall’s interview include:

On the ongoing Bipartisan U.S. Border-Ukraine- Israel-Taiwan Supplemental Bill Negotiations: 

“I don’t think the real negotiations have yet happened. I’ve said over and over again, unless we address the parole issue there’s really no deal. And I don’t know about you, but I have yet to hear Joe Biden ever say he wants to secure the border. His goal has always been to get as many people across that border, voting for Democrats, as he can.”

“In the last three years, he’s paroled over 1.5 million people. Just basically said, it’s okay to break the law. Welcome into our country, we’re gonna give you free food, health care, housing, all those types of things.” 

On the dangers of our wide-open southern border:

“It’s continuing to get worse now because the cartel has positions established…base stations established throughout the country, including in Kansas”

“So, I go back to these ‘gotaways.’ 1.7 million ‘gotaways’ under Joe Biden, people that our patrols saw going over the horizon and that they couldn’t go capture. What are those people doing? Well, they’re smuggling in humans, they’re smuggling in the fentanyl, record numbers of people dying. It’s now the number one killer for young adults in America. It’s fentanyl poisoning.”

On Senator Marshall’s call for a vote of No Confidence against Sec. Mayorkas: 

“The Democrats shut us down. We brought it to the floor, forced them to vote on our resolution of no confidence in Mayorkas. We did it the night before our colleagues on the Republican side on the House were starting their impeachment hearing. So, we wanted to put some wind beneath [their sails], trying to get the Democrats on record.”

“Only one person from the Democrats showed up to object. And that’s all it takes is one person. But it just goes to show that they’re not willing to show their face, show their face to America, to their voters.”

“So basically, they’re saying that they have confidence in Secretary Mayorkas and we all know that he’s lost operational control of that border…10 million people crossing the border illegally under his watch.”

On Stop-gap Funding Bill and Broken Budget System: 

“You can always find 10 GOP senators that would do anything to keep the government open. So here we have the 60-vote rule over here and there’s 51 Democrats, so they gotta find nine Republicans to vote yes.. they control the agenda. But here’s what’s the important thing to communicate to your listeners, you know Andy, is Chuck Schumer wants an omnibus. He likes these deadlines.”

“But mark my word, Chuck Schumer’s one and only goal is to keep making this fail and fail and fail until we finally throw up our hands and let him do an omnibus. That lets him bring all this funding together. Start from scratch, he and the swamp, and the White House, then can write exactly where that $1.7 trillion is going to be spent on their bridges to nowhere. So that’s his goal. His goal is not to solve this problem.”

On Senator Marshall’s priorities in the new year:

“Well, certainly it’s the border, it’s the border, it’s the border. That’s what I’m absolutely locked in on.”

“I’m trying to drive the cost of prescription drugs down by working to end this monopoly of pharmacy benefit managers.”

“We have a Farm Bill to write and to get across the finish line as well.”
