ICYMI: Senator Marshall On Fox Business: Joe Biden Creates One Crisis and Tries to ‘Solve’ it by Creating Another Crisis

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Roger Marshall, M.D. joinedThe Bottom Line on Fox Business to discuss Congress’ plummeting approval rate, Biden’s worsening border crisis leaving millions of goods stranded on the railroad tracks days before Christmas, and Joe Biden’s continued war on American agriculture opening avenues for adversarial countries to buy U.S. farmland.  

You may click HERE or on the image above to watch Senator Marshall’s full interview.

Highlights from Senator Marshall’s interview include:

On Congress’ sinking approval numbers:

“Well Sean, I look at these numbers and we need to own them. As Congress members, we need to own these numbers and say, look, we can do better than this. But I would look at this as like a report card or like a job review. And Congress is failing right now.” 

On foreign countries buying up American farmland:

“Food security is national security… We just take it for granted how we don’t have to worry about food, but it’s also used for diplomacy as well.” 

“Recently in the NDAA, the National Defense Authorization bill, Senator Rounds had an amendment that basically said that the countries of Russia, China, Iran, North Korea cannot own farmland and additionally would elevate the Secretary of Agriculture to CFIUS, the Committee on Foreign investment in the United States. So I think that would have really helped the problem.”

“There’s states that can do things as well, but to our surprise, somehow that was gutted out of the conference, and didn’t make it to the President’s desk. So that’s something I’m trying to track down now as well. But there are things we can do. And yes, we should be concerned about it.” 

On Joe Biden’s decision to suspend operations at important railroad tracks days before Christmas:

“We have to educate this administration that they create one crisis, they try to ‘solve’ it, and that creates another crisis.”

“So in this instance, we have 10,000, 11,000, 12,000 people crossing our border illegally every day. And what the President did is he took some Border Patrol inspectors away from these train depots. Two of these train passes account for about 50 percent of the train cargo going in and out of Mexico. So we take some 30 people off that job to go babysit all the other people that are crossing the border illegally and then shuts it down completely.”

“You know, if you’re from an Ag state you feel like this is just one more time that this President is sticking his thumb in your eye. He gave us high interest rates, high fertilizer prices [and] diesel prices, he doesn’t care for biofuels, he doesn’t do one major trade agreement and now he’s blowing up our number one, our best trade agreement, the USMCA trade agreement with Mexico.”
