ICYMI: Senator Marshall Joins Kudlow on Fox Business: If We Don’t Secure The Border, Nothing Else Is Happening

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Roger Marshall, M.D. joined Kudlow on Fox Business to discuss the importance of opposing any supplemental bill offered by Senate Democrats until meaningful border security policy reforms are agreed on. 

You may click HERE or on the image above to watch Senator Marshall’s full interview.

Highlights from Senator Marshall’s interview include: 

On adding meaningful border security reforms to the emergency supplemental package: 

“Well, certainly I do agree with Leader McConnell’s statement there and how strong he is on this particular issue that this supplemental bill is going down. That we are hell no on this cloture, on this cloture bill that we’re going to be voting on.”

“I expect all Republicans to vote against it. We’re sending a very, very clear message to Chuck Schumer: it’s the border, it’s the border. If we don’t secure the border, nothing else is happening.”

“We can debate Ukraine until the cows come home. Look, Israel needs our help, but if we don’t secure our border, nothing else is happening, and I’m so glad that our own leadership has indeed dug their heels in on the issue.”

On the specific policy reforms proposed by Republicans to improve border security:

“H.R. 2 is a great starting point. For the folks at home that haven’t read all of H.R. 2, it starts with fixing our asylum process. 50% to maybe 75% of the encounters at the border are getting let into this country because the asylum issue needs to be fixed… we need to fix asylum and parole.”

“We need more Border Patrol officers, and guess what, we need to build the wall… Even today, 10,000 people crossed our border illegally, yesterday 10,000. We have no idea how many ‘gotaways’ there were.” 

On deterring Iranian aggression in the Middle East:

“Let’s be proactive. Whatever it takes, we need to start holding our Iran accountable, [there is] a whole lot more than we could do on the sanction side as well. But yes, let’s start seizing some of their ships.”

“This is why we need a change in the White House, it all comes back to that.”

“You and I can talk about this, but until there is a change in leadership in the White House, a person that’s going to make America indeed secure, is going to secure the border, going to make us a strong force on the world stage again, that doesn’t bow to world opinion as well. Until we have a strong military that’s more focused on lethality than we are on social issues, none of this matters right now.”

“Our enemies are laughing at us. We’re enriching Iran, we’ve enriched him to the tune of $60 billion under this administration.”
