Senator Marshall Discusses Worsening Border Crisis On The Senate Floor

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Roger Marshall, M.D. delivered remarks on the Senate Floor about the worsening crisis at our southern border. In his speech, Senator Marshall called for Republicans to unite behind meaningful policy changes that prioritize the safety and security of our country. 

You may click HERE or on the image above to watch Senator Marshall’s full remarks.

Highlights from Senator Marshall’s remarks include:

“In Kansas, the heartland, the middle of the country, the middle state, people are concerned about their own safety and security.”

“This crisis at our nation’s border is the number one most immediate threat to our safety and security.”

“Fentanyl is now the number one killer of young adults in America. It kills a Kansan every day, nearly 300 young Americans are dying every day from fentanyl poisoning.”

“But yet, for some unknown reason, the White House wants to take border security off the table in the supplemental bill. Why? That’s what people are asking me back home. Why? That’s the question Americans want to know.”

“This is indeed an invasion at our border, and every American’s now paying for it. As a matter of fact, it’s now costing Americans nearly $500 billion a year. Let me say that again. $500 billion a year to house and take care of these illegal immigrants.”

“On this side of the aisle, we’re not going to waiver, we’re not going to quit… And I urge every Republican to vote down cloture of this outrageous supplemental package unless we see true meaningful border security included.”

“Any package agreed upon by all or some of the Senate Republican Conference must actually be effective at controlling our borders.”

“This is why I urge every Republican in this body to vote no on cloture on any bill that does not, at a minimum, include policy changes that meaningfully address the flood of illegal immigration at our southern border.”
