Senate Democrats Unanimously Vote Against Senator Marshall’s Attempt to Send Aid to Israel

Washington, D.C. – Tonight, Senate Democrats once again blocked U.S. Senator Roger Marshall, M.D., from putting the House-passed, bipartisan, standalone Israel aid package on the President’s for a signature. 

Senator Marshall released the following statement regarding Senate Democrats continued obstruction to a standalone aid package for Israel:

“Tonight, every Senate Democrat went on the record voting against advancing aid to our ally, Israel. Just hours after thousands of people rallied in support of Israel today at our nation’s capital, including many of our Democrat colleagues who even spoke at the rally, military assistance was once again denied to Israel as they continue their fight against Hamas terrorists. This is a common theme for President Biden and Congressional Democrats. They say one thing, but their actions tell us their true priorities, and that’s what we saw unfold tonight on the Senate Floor,” Senator Marshall said. “Sadly, Senate Democrats have now blocked our efforts to get aid to Israel three times in the past week in order to leverage it to secure additional priorities. Israel needs our help right now. Not tomorrow, or next week, or next month, they need our help today. I appreciate my Senate Republican colleagues who stood by me and helped me push for this vote, and I look forward to continuing this fight to get aid to our ally.”
