Senator Marshall Votes to Overturn Biden Administration’s Plan to Ship American Dollars to China for EV Charger Manufacturing

Washington, D.C. – Today, Senator Roger Marshall voted in support of a measure prohibiting the federal government from waiving “Buy America” requirements when using taxpayers’ dollars to purchase electric vehicle (EV) chargers. The measure passed the Senate. Without Buy America requirements, federal funds risk going to EV charging station manufacturers overseas, primarily adversarial countries like China, instead of to domestic manufacturers. Senator Marco Rubio (FL) is the original sponsor of this measure.

“Why the Biden Administration would waive this standard and further open up revenue streams for China and other adversarial countries is beyond me,” Senator Marshall said. “At a time when economic confidence is low, and inflation is high, we have manufacturers here that stand ready to do the job with pride. In the Biden Administration’s attempt to further their radical climate campaign, they are enriching China- ironically one of the worst countries in the world for environmental abuses- to force Americans into their Electric Vehicle schemes. By passing today’s measure, we are sending a clear message to President Biden that pandering to climate activists does not come at the price of American ingenuity, domestic economic opportunity, and our national security interests.”
