Senator Marshall Introduces Legislation Requiring DHS To Report on Illegal Alien Transfers

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Roger Marshall, M.D. introduced the National Oversight of Transportation Immigrants to Communities is Essential (NOTICE Act). This legislation would require the federal agencies to notify states and localities when the agency uses taxpayer dollars to transport migrants within 100 miles of their jurisdictions. 

Specifically, Senator Marshall’s legislation would require federal agencies to notify the governor and members of the local government when a migrant is being transported to that state and community. The notification must include the following information about the transported alien:

o    His or her legal name, country of origin, age, and sex;

o    Any crimes for which the alien has been convicted; and

o    Any criminal gang with which such alien is or has been affiliated; and

o    The types of security screenings that have been performed with respect to such aliens.

Senator Marshall’s legislation is cosponsored by Senators Budd (R-NC), Braun (R-IN), and Kennedy (R-LA). 

“Joe Biden’s border crisis has made every single community across the country less safe,” Senator Marshall said. “You’d think when you have Democrat Governors in deep blue states like Illinois and New York complaining about the strain and cost the bussing of migrants has had on their states that this Administration would start to show some willingness here in Washington to secure the border, but it hasn’t. Nothing about the invasion at our southern border is compassionate, it’s certainly not safe, and absolutely unsustainable. Americans deserve to know who is being pushed into their communities at taxpayer’s expense.”

“The Biden administration’s dangerous practice of catch and release has morphed into a relocation program to place illegal immigrants all over the country without telling local or state officials,” Senator Budd said. “This is unacceptable, and that’s why I support Senator Marshall’s legislation to force the Biden administration to notify states and localities when they transport illegal migrants into their jurisdiction and to provide information on any crimes for which they have been convicted.”

“The Biden administration has trafficked illegal immigrants into communities across the country, including in Indiana at taxpayers’ expense. This endangers the safety of Hoosiers and places a heavy burden on local law enforcement,” Senator Braun said. “I’m glad to support Sen. Marshall’s bill to require federal agencies to notify state and localities of illegal immigrant transfers, which includes their background and criminal history.”

“The Biden administration is turning every town in America into a border town, and it’s putting Louisianians at risk,” Senator Kennedy said. “I’m proud to support this common-sense bill to give state and local law enforcement agencies the information they need to protect our communities from migrants who commit crime.”

You may click HERE to read the full text legislation. 

