ICYMI: Senator Marshall on Fox News: Americans Have No Confidence in Secretary Mayorkas

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Roger Marshall, M.D. joined America Reports on Fox News to discuss the Senate Homeland Security Committee Hearing today featuring Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Mayorkas and Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) Director Wray. Senator Marshall finally got Sec. Mayorkas to admit that the DHS expects that there have been more than 600,00 known ‘gotaways’ this year alone. 

You may click HERE or on the image above to watch Senator Marshall’s full interview. 

Highlights from the interview include:

On Secretary of Homeland Security Mayorkas’ Testimony :

 “This Secretary of Homeland Security doesn’t understand how concerned people are back home about their own safety and security. He actually admitted for the first time that we had 600,000 ‘gotaways’ this past year. This secretary has no idea who those people are, where they are.”

“He [Secretary Mayorkas] seems to have no concern, almost apathy towards the 170 people on the terrorist watch list, the 60,000 folks that were on the alien persons of interest list as well. Who are these people? Where are they? And of course, we want to know what countries they’re from as well. So, he just seems to have a laissez-faire attitude towards all of this.”

“At the end of the day, this is why Americans have no confidence in him. That’s why we introduced a resolution to give them a vote of no confidence in the Senate side. That’s why we think that they should proceed with some type of an impeachment of Secretary Mayorkas.”

On the Where Are the Terrorists Now Act: 

“Very simply, like the same questions we were asking him [Secretary Mayorkas] today, were these people of interest? Where are they right now? Where are the known people in the known terrorist watchlist? Where are they? What are they doing? Are they in jail? Did they get sent out?” 

“It’s [number of illegal migrants that have crossed the border] three times the size of Kansas and this Secretary won’t take any responsibility. He won’t admit that their policies are acting like a magnet to people. Instead, he wants to deflect and point his finger at other people.”
