Senator Marshall Releases Statement on Last Minute Continuing Resolution  

Washington, D.C. –  U.S. Senator Roger Marshall released the following statement on the 80-page CR sent to members 45 minutes before the cloture vote. 

“The September 30th deadline to fund the government did not sneak up on us. This is the Establishment’s strategy to let the clock run out and then jam through their priorities in the guise of ‘saving the country’ from a shutdown. We’ve all seen this movie before. It is clear that Washington, D.C. is broken, and I did not come here to be part of the status quo,” Senator Marshall said. “We have had months to have debates on spending levels and have tough conversations, but instead, Congress watched our nation plummet into a historic debt crisis totaling $33 trillion. We must go back to basics and run our country like a business.” 

“I can not in good conscience support a spending bill that saddles future generations with six-figure debts. I will not support a bill that gives money to fund Ukraine’s security but no money to fund our own. As it is currently written, the CR does not make a single mention of the crisis at our southern border but instead mentions Ukraine eight times in this proposal and provides $6 billion dollars for their war,” Senator Marshall said. “Fentanyl is killing 300 Americans a day, cartels are in control, and Chinese military-aged nationalists are exploiting our border by the thousands. Why Congress thinks we need to give more money to secure Ukraine’s borders over securing our own border is beyond me. I will not support giving another cent to Ukraine.”
