ICYMI: Senator Marshall Joins KWCH On Inflation Impacts to Kansans

Wichita, KS – U.S. Senator Roger Marshall, M.D. joined KWCH live in studio to discuss the inflationary impacts of hidden credit card swipe fees on Kansas consumers and small businesses. Wall Street megabanks, Visa, and Mastercard are price gouging Americans at a rate seven times higher than the European Union

Senator Marshall is leading the bipartisan Credit Card Competition Act that would end the Visa-Mastercard duopoly and force them to come to the table and compete with other companies in the industry. By injecting competition into the payment processing market, we will lower the cost of doing business for Main Street America and prices for American consumers at the checkout aisle.

You may click HERE or on the image above to watch Senator Marshall’s full interview. 

Highlights from Senator Marshall’s interview include: 

On credit card swipe fees and inflation impacting Kansans: 

“Simply what our legislation does is force competition. We have to force every credit card to have somebody besides just Visa and MasterCard on it, that gives that retailer the opportunity, I’m going to always keep fighting for main street over Wall Street.”

“Wall Street is getting rich. Meanwhile, out here, and in Kansas, we’re suffering from inflation. This is an inflation multiplier.”

“I got close to getting it on the floor not too long ago, and leadership has promised me that they would put it on the floor sometime for a vote.”

On the Kansas state fair and Farm Bill update: 

“If you’re not going to the K-State game, you might as well come on over to the state fair. So we’re going to talk about the Farm Bill. Every five years we write a Farm Bill, a Farm Bill is certainly important to the farmers but it’s also so important to your listeners right here in Wichita, Kansas. If you think about a Farm Bill, about 80% of it goes to more food programs, think about WIC dollars, about Meals on Wheels, school lunches, SNAP programs, all that. So we’re gonna have a forum and a discussion on the Farm Bill.

